Sunday, November 30, 2008

New Beginings

Hi there, and welcome to our blog. We are two Cruzan dogs who were adopted at the St. Croix Animal Shelter. This really nice guy named Ben came and took our pictures when we were puppies.  The next thing we knew we were featured in a local newspaper - The Avis, and shortly after that this really nice lady came to take us home.  We have a brother also, but he was adopted by a very loving family a few days before us. Phew- the family is safe. Anyways, we are not sure what kind of breed we are. Some think we're part chihuaha and part shelty, but really I just know that lots of people say we're cute - except when we bark, but that's besides the point! 

So, you're probably wondering why we decided to write this blog...and I'll take a minute to explain that, and then we're off to the information portion of our site - exploring the wonderful things our island has to offer. Our human sister Stephanie resigned from her job a year ago to grieve the loss of her Dad. Unfortunately when she was ready to go back to work, the market was in the toilet, the economy was in shambles, and jobs were very few. After scores of interviews but no offers, Stephanie moved down to St. Croix temporarily to get some work. I think she's pretty frustrated that she has such a desire to get back to work and continue on the promising career path that she left, but still can't get any work - and not for lack of trying mind you.  Here on the island she knows a lot of people, and she waitresses and bartends at the Case Place to make ends meet. She also has a great passion for writing, and so we thought  - hey why not create a blog that talks about all of the great things our island home has to offer. 

Obviously, we can't type, so now it's win win. Children and adults alike can come here to get a better sense of what to expect here in St.Croix, Stephanie gets a chance to flex her writing muscles in a creative way, and in the end maybe something will pan out for her very soon. Fingers crossed. 

Please visit us often and we promise not to disappoint!

Tomorrow we're going on a field trip to the beach here at the condo - not a huge fan of the water, but I think we'll get some great pictures out to you soon. If they don't make you want to come down here, I don't know what will.

Have a great day and CIAO!

- If you would like more information about the St. Croix Animal Shelter you can contact them at 340-778-1650.  Also, you should know that in addition to being able to adopt a dog here on the island if you live here, they also offer adoption for people in the States. They will arrange for a worthy family to adopt one of their dogs, and if you are heading out on a plan back to the mainland, you can carry it on the plane with you. They cover any costs associated with the travel.

- If you would like to make a reservation at the Case Place - one of the best restaurants on island (not to mention the fact that John Case keeps the cleanest kitchen you will ever see!) please call 340-719-3167.  They are located in Christianstead at Gallow's Bay. The restaurant is air conditioned, there's a great view of the Harbor from every table, and the staff and service are impeccable.  Oh - but please no pets - which is a bummer for us.